Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Wow! The End of the year is coming!

I can't believe it before we know it, we will be in the New Year. I feel like it should still be Halloween. And I know Thanksgiving is going to get here to fast. Then before you know it we will blink and Christmas will be gone then we will be ringing in the New Year! I think it is the stores fault they just make these Holidays come and go. We never just get to slow down and just enjoy it. Right after Christmas they will be shoving Valentines day down our throats. Oh what a world, What a world. Well I love you all. and Happy Everything!


Unknown said...

I cant believe it is almost the end of the year as well... my moms email addy is Prieder7@aol.com
jave a great day...

Colleen said...

Hooray for the holidays flying by! Then I can get this baby boy out! Only 48 days to go! I am really looking forward to the Christmas Season though! If only the weather could be a little more Christmas-like. It's hard to get in the holiday spirit when we're all dressed in shorts & running the AC.